世界快消息!Jiangsu strives to be source of original innovation source
East China’s Jiangsu province has given full play to its rich advantages in science and education resources, and made greater efforts to support and ensure scientific and technological strength so as to strengthen basic research, solve key technical issues from the source and bottom, and provide strong scientific and technological support for the new process of national rejuvenating.
The laboratories of the Optical Frontier Cross Research Center of Nanjing University of Technology have nurtured cutting-edge basic research achievements in the field of optoelectronics in China.
"It mainly breaks through the bottleneck problem that we must stain and cannot conduct quantitative observation when conducting cell research," saidFan Yao, Postdoctoral Student, School of Electronic Engineering and Optoelectronic Technology, Nanjing University of Technology.
From basic theoretical research, to engineering applications, to industrial transformation, the development of this instrument is the result of nearly a decade of hard work. This year, it obtained over 30 national invention patents, over 10 PCT international patents, and more than 10 U.S. patents after being released to the market.
Such achievements have not only resulted from the dedicated and determined input of the scientific team, but also benefited from the strong environmental support provided by Jiangsu. Basic research generally involves long cycles and high risks. Jiangsu has continuously strengthened policy guidance to create a good environment for scientific researchers.
In 2019, the research team was granted the "Major Project of Basic Research on Frontier Leading Technologies in Jiangsu Province" by obtaining a project funding of 20 million yuan, thereby fully stimulating the vitality of innovation.
"After obtaining this project, we have made great breakthroughs in some specialized core components, including high-end microscopes, and formed a batch of original products through this project," saidChen Qian, Professor, School of Electronic Engineering and Optoelectronic Technology, Nanjing University of Technology, Vice President of Nanjing University of Technology.
This year, Jiangsu will also implement a three-year action plan for basic research by supporting top scientists to lead the implementation of 10 major basic research projects, and supporting outstanding young scientific and technological talents to implement 100 key basic research projects.
Since the beginning of this year, Zijinshan Laboratory has continued to lead the world’s 6G communication by promoting the participation in the global 6G technology conference that was held in Nanjing. The "Nanovacuum Interconnection Experimental Station" of the Suzhou Nanometer Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has built the world"s largest and most fully functional vacuum interconnection comprehensive experimental device.
"The experimental station is a fully open experimental platform. Currently, we have 220 users, covering the fields of wide band gap semiconductor superconducting quantum bit chips, energy catalysis, two-dimensional materials, low-dimensional quantum materials, organic semiconductors, and some other fields. At the same time, we have applied for more than 240 patents," saidLi Fangsen, Deputy Director of the Nanovacuum Interconnection Experimental Platform.
At present, Jiangsu has 510 scientific and technological innovation platforms at or above the provincial level, including 91 national scientific and technological innovation platforms. This year, it will spare no effort to support the construction of Suzhou laboratories and accelerate the construction of the Purple Mountain Laboratories, the Taihu Lake Laboratory and Zhongshan Laboratory.
- 世界快消息!Jiangsu strives to be source of original innovation source
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